Take advantage of a free 24-hour IPTV test by filling in the test form.

IPTV test :Profitez d’un test d’abonnement iptv gratuit d’une durée de 24 heures, afin d’essayer l’efficacité du serverAnd if you're not sure before making your purchase .

Free IPTV eligibility test guide :

Trying the test iptv free of 24 hours without obligation or payment from our iptv subscription, you have a playlist of VOD videos, last update and all channels from all countries: France , Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Arabic, UK , Latino, Turkey, USA, Canada, Africa, and finally India .

Submission procedure for activation:

  1. Please fill in the form.
  2. Press send.
  3. The necessary information (Xtream codes and m3u link) for activation will be sent to you in an average of 10 minutes to 1 hour while they are being generated. (Check your email/SPAM address after submission).

IPTV test with adult option :

You can even add the adult option to a free trial to enjoy our selection of adult channels. To benefit from this offer, please enter the information requested and the type of device (Smart TV, Apple, Android BOX, PC, Mag, M3u) you wish to use for testing.r.

Confirmation of your IPTV test

* Please Check Your "E-mail Box" or "Spam Box" after your test request. We usually respond within 1-2 hours. Thank you for your visit.

    Your MAC address

    Your Application

    Your Device

    adult option